The film revolves around the adventures of a real-life fox terrier called Titina, who gained celebrity status in the 1920s when she accompanied her master, the Italian aeronautic engineer Umberto Nobile, and Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen on an expedition to conquer the North pole in an airship.
Titina is the feature-length debut of Kajsa Næss, whose award-winning short credits over a 20-year career include Deconstruction Workers and It’s Up To You. Production is in hands of Mikrofilm, an award-winning multimedia and animation production company which has produced more than 30 short animations including The Danish Poet which won the 2007 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film. The feature is a co-production with Belgian-based Vivi Film, which previously co-produced top European feature-length animations The Triplets Of Belleville and The Secret Of Kells.
I took care of the pipeline development, which was a daunting task since we had to make sure it was “quarantine-proof“. More info on the tools can be found in this blogpost on Skerm West.
The last months of the production, I also helped in the compositing department, doing creative retakes on various sequences until the film was finalized according to the director’s wishes.